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Book profile details vs Inventory
Current book (328 in total):
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Applied point(s) in the category:
1.1For part-text 1Bar 1:1–2:35 only: The text refers to itself as verbal entity (with implied or explicit boundaries): This only applies to the first of four part-texts which make up the whole of 1Bar. The totality of 1Bar is not covered by the heading in 1Bar 1:1. For 1Bar overall, see entry 10.1. For this way of reading the whole, see 1.7 and the overview of parts in the Bibliography. The text refers to itself as verbal entity (with implied or explicit boundaries).
1.1.1For part-text 1Bar 1:1–2:35 only: The text refers to itself using a genre term, speech act term, verb or other term implying verbal constitution: The naming of a verbal category with the use of demonstrative pronouns: "These are the words of the book (kai houtoi hoi logoi tou bibliou) which Baruch ... wrote (egrapsen)" (1:1); "the words of this book (tous logous tou bibliou toutou)...the people who came to the book (pors ten biblon)" (1:3); "you shall read this book (to biblion touto) which we sent to you" (1:14). The part or parts of the quoted text that follows after 1Bar 1:14 ("this book") is also characterized as constituting the wording of a "confession" (exagoreusai), to be made "in the house of the Lord on the days of the feasts and at appointed seasons" (1Bar 1:14, RSV). The text refers to itself using a genre term, speech act term, verb or other term implying verbal constitution:
1.1.2(Not applied)The text speaks of itself as dealing with an overall theme (subject matter) or purpose, or as consisting of coordinated parts making a whole.
1.1.3(Not applied)The text uses expressions for characterizing itself as a bounded entity. (PROMPT: "all", "beginning", "some" referring to subject-matter in relation to text):
1.1.4[For part-text 1Bar 1:1–2:35 only: The text introduces the governing voice, thereby indirectly marking its own boundedness: Baruch, son of Neria, is introduced (in 1Bar 1:1, 3) as the author ("wrote") of the missive beginning in 1:10. Since this missive uses a first-person plural, its governing voice in the introductory part (1Bar 1:10–15a introducing the penitential prayer 1:15–2:35) is not presented as identical with any first-person singular persona, thus also not with Baruch. In other words, Baruch, while being introduced as author, is not introduced as governing voice of the missive. As for the penitential prayer itself, its voice is also manifestly different from the projected persona of Baruch, as it identifies itself as "the men of Judah, the inhabitants of Jerusalem..." etc. (1Bar 1:15). In other words, the governing voice of the missive is not presented as identical with Baruch, and in the reading here suggested, the scope of the announcement of 1Bar 1:1 does not go beyond 2:35.]The text introduces the governing voice, thereby indirectly marking its own boundedness. part-text 1Bar 1:1–2:35 only: The text has a superscription concerning “to whom” it is addressed or for whose use it is: The missive within part-text one is explicitly addressed to a group of priests and others in Jerusalem identified in 1Bar 1:7. There they are merely identified as the recipients of the money collected, but since that money is also mentioned at the beginning of the missive in 1Bar 1:10, the missive is presented as going to the same group. The text has a superscription concerning “to whom” it is addressed or for whose use it is.
1.1.5(Not applied)Important text witnesses attest to a heading which is not integrated with the body of the text or with any introductory frame, implying one or more of the kinds of information under 1.1.1–4.
1.2(Not applied)The text presents its internal sequence of sentences (or larger parts) as mirroring the objective relationships of components in the projected world (an objective order), or projects its subject matter as self-limiting (5.3.). See further under 4, 5.2–5 or 6.
1.3(Not applied)The text overall is shaped by a poetic or rhetorical-communicative pattern that is self-bounding (see further section 3).
1.4(Not applied)The text signals its parts or boundaries only by implicit contrast or by some other implicit signal (1.1./2 do not apply):
1.4.1(Not applied)A contrasting theme appears at the beginning or at what turns out to be a boundary/end point in the text.
1.4.2(Not applied)A sentence/small unit with a contrasting form from those used in the co-text appears at the beginning or at what turns out to be a boundary/end point in the text.
1.4.3(Not applied)A lemmatic commentary which otherwise exhibits gaps in its coverage of the base text begins and ends by treating the first and last segment of that base text.
1.5(Not applied)The text presents a certain homogeneousness of form and/or contents, without claiming or projecting boundedness, and without being unified by a poetic or rhetorical form (i.e. 1.1, 1.2. and form-bounding points under 3 do not apply).
1.5.1(Not applied)There is a limited inventory of small forms which recur in a linear juxtaposition of units (e.g. 5.8).
1.5.2(Not applied)The ways in which smaller units hang together or follow on from each other (section 9) are repeated again and again.
1.5.3(Not applied)The themes which are verbalized together within the text are projected as interrelated objectively, albeit not in their textual sequence.
1.6The approximate word count or other indication of comparative size is: c. 2,770 words, using a Word count from the electronic Greek text, (accessed 19/01/13). The approximate word count or other indication of comparative size is:
1.7The text’s Inventory profile should be seen in the light of the following further information on completeness, thematic progression, aesthetic effects, etc.: Overview of Parts: see Bibliography. There is a change-over from prose to poetic language which happens suddenly, as the prose of 1:1-3:8 gives way without warning to the poetic language of 3:9-5:9. There are two main ways to try to read the verbal entity as a whole. Reading A (see table in Bibliography) takes the narrative of the missive and its quoted text to end in 2:35, and to be followed by three or four further part-texts 1Bar would then be a compound of diverse, merely juxtaposed, part-texts (10.1) without a unifying framework. This is the structure adopted for this Profile. The part-texts are pieces spoken from the perspective of the Jerusalemites (according to the instruction in 1Bar 1:15a), from that of exiles, from a voice praising wisdom, and from God. The parts would be: 1:10–2:35 instructions to and text to be performed by the Jerusalemites; 3:1–3:8 penitential prayer from an exilic perspective; 3:9–4:4 an exhortative address to Israel with wisdom themes, and 4:5–5:9, an address by God to Israel and Jerusalem to have hope. Reading B (see table in Bibliography) takes everything from 1:10 onwards (after “they said”) as forming part of the missive to Jerusalem. This missive (the “book” sent to them) would then effectively consist of merely juxtaposed, extended pieces (some poetic). It requires thinking of the “book” that Baruch and his companions sent to Jerusalem as an internally diversified text not covered in its entirety by the initial instructions (e.g. “you shall say”, 1Bar 1:15). This reading is not the one expressed in the current Profile. It may be considered a viable alternative, but is weakened by the presence of a piece by the unmediated divine voice from 1Bar 4:4(or 4:30) to 5:9. However, both readings postulate a 'weak' coherence for the verbal entity overall. The text’s Inventory profile should be seen in the light of the following further information on completeness, thematic progression, aesthetic effects, etc.: [] / Overview of Parts: []